Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Last Night in China (Daddy's Blog part II)

Last day and full night in China.  It is about 8:30pm our time on Tuesday night and we leave the hotel in the morning at 6am for the airport.  After breakfast this morning, I skipped the fish but did get told not to take pictures at the building that houses the American Consulate for Visa Processing.  In the morning, we walked around Shamain Island where the White Swan hotel is located and visited the local shops. They all cater to the adoption crowd of Americans with clothes, shoes, etc.  I did get a book of the quotations of General Mao for 10 Yuen about $1.50.  We then went to the 2nd floor of the hotel for the "red couch" photo of Molly Sue.
At 2:45pm, two full bus loads of us adopting Americans loaded up and drove the near 60 minute ride to the American Consulate.  It is in a multistory highrise business building on the 5th floor.  We had to match are faces to the photos and then a little after 4pm all familes said and oath, we collected the final paperwork in a special brown envelope and went back to the hotel.  I was able to get the telephone number to Papa Johns Pizza so we ordered a pizza and breadsticks for the room.
Molly has done very well and contiues to be a happy baby and Summer is ready to come home.  In a shop today, the girl had to have her photo taken with Summer.  Holly has almost everything packed up ready to go and the girls took a bath together in the tub.
Thanks for everyone keeping track of the blog.
Brad, Holly, Summer, & Molly

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy First Birthday, Molly!!

Love, Zoe Sakson