Friday, November 30, 2007

We're here in Beijing

We finally got to Beijing. We were all pretty tired but wound up at th same time. We got into the hotel and got our pajamas on and watched a little HBO and then fell asleep.

We slept until 6:00am and then got up and made coffee.

Brad is suffering from a terrible case of hives. He has them all over and is very itchy. We're not sure what is causing them but it got worse yesterday while traveling. We're hoping it is better today.

We don't have much planned today since we already did the major Beijing tours last time we were here, so we will probably take it easy and rest up fr our big day tomorrow. Our guide, Michelle showed us where we can walk around today and find a department store and a super market. We also thought about going to the Beijing zoo, depending on the wheather.

We leave the hotel at 5:50am tomorrow morning to catch our flight to Nanchang and will get to meet Molly in the afternoon! Only one more night as a family of 3!

We'll post tomorrow as soon as we can!

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