Friday, October 26, 2007


WOW!!  It looks like we will be leaving on Thanksgiving!  That's even sooner than we thought.
We are waiting for our travel approval from China, once we have that we will know for sure but right now that's what it looks like.
So we will have one week from closing on our house to travel day!!  I am planning to get completely packed for our trip and then focus on packing the house.  I have been down to our storage shed a few times already, digging out baby clothes and suitcases.  I got all the baby clothes I want to take washed and ready to go and I have started on an official packing list.  I am using the guest room bed to hold everything before I get it all packed into the suitcases.
We are getting super excited!!  It's all finally happening!!

Monday, October 15, 2007

We have our letter of acceptance!

We have been waiting for our letter of acceptance, also called, letter seeking confirmation, for a few weeks now.  It means that we have been approved to officially adopt our little Yue Meng Chen. 
Now we wait for our travel approval, which we have been told should arrive in about 2 weeks, after that we can make our travel plans and go get our little girl!
We move into our house in 30 days, so we will be very busy trying to get that all done and get ready for our trip to China. In the mean time I want to try to get Christmas shopping done so I wont have that to do when we get home.  I hope to find some gifts there as well.
Summer got 2 new DVDs today to take on our trip.  We'll bring her portable player so she can watch them.  She is really excited about the trip.  She wanted to go today!